ENTPE has functioned as a Public Scientific, Cultural and Professional Institution (EPSCP) since 1 January 2007 (Decree No. 2006-1545 of 7 December 2006).
/// The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors determines the School’s general policy and approves the general organization of studies, subject to compliance with national regulations, as well as the School’s research programs, scientific and technical information and international cooperation.
/// The Scientific Council
The Scientific Council puts forward proposals on research, scientific and technical documentation and on the distribution of research grants.
It is consulted on the following:
- the higher education and professional development programs of study,
- job profiles for vacant or requested teaching/research positions,
- research contracts and programs,
- applications for accreditation to award national qualifications,
- projects to create or change the institution’s qualifications,
- the institutional contract.
/// The Studies and Student Life Council (CEVU)
The CEVU puts forward proposals on the content of higher education and professional development courses and examines accreditation applications and projects for new areas of study.
It prepares measures to:
- implement career guidance and the validation of achievements,
- facilitate students’ entry into employment,
- promote the cultural, sporting, social and associative activities offered to students,
- improve their living and working conditions.
It examines, in particular, measures in connection with student support activities, student services, medical and social services, libraries and documentation centres. It guarantees the political and union freedoms of students.
/// The executive team
The executive team is a management and coordination team that closely assists the director in running the School. It meets once a week.
/// The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the School’s collective management body. It meets once a month.