A customized training program
Choosing ENTPE means choosing a general engineering course in sustainable urban planning with the opportunity to extend your knowledge and skills in one of the following professional fields: civil engineering, construction, transport, urban planning and urban studies or the environment.
/// An increasingly customized program over the course of the 3 years
ENTPE offers a number of options to enable students to direct their studies according to their careers plans and to customize the program to their needs.
>> 2 key choices form the basis of the program
- The choice of area of specialization;
- The choice of pathway, focusing on certain aspects of the engineering program (research, international, entrepreneur).
/// These choices are refined with each year of study, resulting in a customized program
>> Year 1: basic engineering
- Modelling skills
- Engineering skills
- Social and managerial skills
- Environmental concerns
- Creativity and entrepreneurship
- Territories: urban studies, urban planning policies, visits, meetings, etc.
- Personal and professional development
Year 1: choice of an "innovation” project, double degree in engineering and architecture, pathway (research, international or entrepreneur), participation in an association or eligible activity, etc. |
>> Year 2: a key project and the start of the specialization process
- A key project simulating a real-life professional situation
- Applied learning used in the framework of the project
- Methodological aspects of team and project management
- Introductory courses in the area of specialization chosen at the end of year 1
- A refining of the student’s career plans in the context of a 5-month “engineering” internship
Year 2: preparation of a gap year, choice of an area of specialization (from among 7), choice of a double degree, choice of international mobility, choice of an internship, etc. |
>> Year 3: the chosen area of specialization
This year can be enriched by a double or hybrid specialization. The student may also replace this year of study by another type of second-year Master’s course at another institution in France or abroad. It culminates in a final year project that many take a variety of forms (internship, company challenge, business project, etc.).
Year 3: choice of direction within each area of specialization and double degrees more or less integrated into the engineering program, choice of final year project from among a range of forms. |