At the crossroads of teaching, research and economic activities, the ENTPE’s Building and Civil Engineering Teaching and Research Department coordinates all the School’s educational activities in the field of construction.
The Department offers two areas of specialization in this respect: building and civil engineering.
Each year, on average, one in two ENTPE engineering students opts to specialize in the area of expertise covered by the Building and Civil Engineering Department. Around 150 professionals from the private sector, public sector and academia share their knowledge and expertise with students in almost 80 course units overseen and managed by the Building and Civil Engineering Department.
The Department is also responsible for supervising and coordinating the internships (first year Master) and final year projects (second year Master) carried out by students in their specialized field.
At the end of their course, students with civil servant status take up positions in local government authorities, ministerial departments responsible for construction and within the scientific and technical network of the Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition. Students with “non civil servant” status are primarily employed by general contractors (large multinational groups and intermediaries), engineering firms and consultants.